Wednesday, June 4, 2008

So Where's My Damn Paycheck?

$117,000 a year. That's how much my mother's love is worth, according to, a Waltham, Massachusetts-based firm that studies workplace compensation. Seems a little low to me considering how much we stay-at-home moms do, but there it is. Now I feel less guilty for taking a day off to get mani/pedis and scrapbooking events. SAHMs...what do you think about the amount?


  1. I don't think you could ever put a price on what mothers really give their families and children. I am WAY MORE than a taxi or a dishwasher, thank you! And so are you! XOXOXO

  2. I believe is run by a SAHM in her spare time and perhaps she's a tad bit biased...

    I kid. I kid because I care!

    Actually, this is way lower then the value I place on my wife. She's one in a billion.

    Love you!!!

  3. I think i could use that check about now. Maybe my kids will grow up rich and they'll buy me a house to make up for the lack of checks.... lol
    and if they don't the love they share with me will be plenty.
