First, I should say this is going to be my feeble attempt at movie reviewing. This is usually my husband John's strongsuit since he's the one with the background in movie making. But I will give it the old two-year community college try.
Sex and the City, or SATC was the first one I watched. I saw it with my good friend Yvonne and we loved it! It was a great date movie if your husband happens to love chick flicks, fashion and pathos. But if he's not gay, like Yvonne's and mine, then you have to go with a girlfriend. I sincerely hope they make a sequel...its been years since the show on HBO ended but now I remember why it was so hard to say goodbye to those four characters.
Second movie was for the whole family, Kung Fu Panda. Honestly, didn't think I'd like it. I never watched the TV show Kung Fu. Never was a fan and it wasn't because the star wasn't Chinese. I never even watched Bruce Lee movies and not because I'm not a fan of bad dubbing. I am! But...I loved this movie! John and I took the boys and they were both riveted to the screen. Jack ate his weight in popcorn and Sean got up to pee about five times but he loved it! Had it not been for the kid spilling his cookies over the trashcan on the way out, it would have been a perfect day.
Onto the half movie. Last Saturday, John's mom was kind enough to spend the day with the boys and let us out of our cage for an entire day. A date day! We went out, had lunch, went bowling, had dinner and tried to see Baby Mama. Emphasis on tried. We got through half of it, then the movie theatre had a power outtage. So we sat like good lemmings in the dark for a while until some pimply-faced usher came in to tell us we could either get our money back or sit in the dark for a while longer in the slim hope the power would come back on. So in the dark we sat. Heck, why not...its date day! After about 20 minutes or so we gave up and were given a few tickets for another time. But as much as the movie we did see I am guessing we're not really missing anything. We had such high hopes for a good, tight movie from Tina Fey and Amy Poehler but we weren't impressed. There were semi-funny scenes but there was a lot of potential for the funny that just wasn't taken, like scenes that didn't go anywhere or had no payoff. Maybe we'll wait for Netflix to carry this one to see the end of it. Or maybe we won't. Maybe someone out there can tell us if Fey finally gets her baby and that'll be enough for me.
SATC was awesome! If they make a sequel, we are so there!