Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Well it's official. I'm in my forties...

Good gravy, how the heck did this happen? Me...old! I had yet another birthday last month. Forty-one seems old and is the ultimate gray area. Like Louis CK said, "When you're forty, no one gives you credit for anything anymore. 'Yeah, that's what you're supposed to do, asshole. Just do your job.' And you're too young for anyone to say, hey, I helped a forty-one year old across the street." But the plus side is--as I've been told by my husband and affirmed by the people who literally take a step back and show me their molars when I tell them my age--apparently I don't look old. I've said it once and I'll say it again. "Black don't crack but beige don't age." Woot.