I am guessing you heard we here in Southern California experienced a pretty strong-ish earthquake yesterday. A 5.4 magnitude. Not terribly scary but not the same "I'll-just-sleep-through-it" mild tremor either.
Just wanted to reassure our friends and family across the U.S. that we are absolutely okay and doing fine. The epicenter wasn't that far away from here so we felt it pretty strongly. The boys and I were home alone and I gathered them together and stood under a doorway. Afterward, I sat Sean down and explained what it was and what he should do in case it happens again, especially when he's at school. He looked very concerned and said, "Mommy, you saved me!" And he stayed right close to me for a good hour after that. What can I say, he's adorable.
So now the USGS people like Kate Hutton are warning that there is a stronger one coming that they've been calling The Big One for years. Trouble is the San Andreas Fault travels pretty much right under our feet and I think we need to move pronto. I wouldn't care if it were Santa Monica or Seattle, we just can't wait for The Big One to put a fire under my ass to do it. Some scary stuff, Batman.
Wednesday, July 30, 2008
Monday, July 21, 2008
I knew it was inevitable. I just didn't want it to be so soon! My three-year old is now in Pre-Kindergarten AND also does Taekwondo twice a week to boot! He's growing up right before my eyes!
Its good for him though I know. He loves being with other children his age and learning from a teacher, etc. Its just hard leaving him in someone else's care that's not a family member. I don't know how those mothers with day jobs do it! I actually cried the first day. Sean, not so much. He was off with his own "peeps" without even a glance in my direction. "My baby's all grows up!"
He's also loving the Taekwondo class too. He loves putting on the uniform and saying, "Hi-yaaa!" Seriously? I thought that was just from those Bruce Lee movies. But nope, they really say it. Too cute. There's a video of his very first day under My YouTube Videos on the right side of this page. With all this growth going on I am holding Jack tight to me. Somebody tell him not to grow up too fast!
Thursday, July 10, 2008
Tuesday, July 8, 2008
A Ten-Minute, Two Dollar Cup of Milk?
I took the boys to the mall today, to get out of the house and to return this god-awful handbag I bought under duress because the store was closing. After running my errand I decided to treat the kids and myself to lunch at Quiznos. We ended up sitting quite close to Starbucks, or MegaBucks as John likes to call it. 
"Hey, I just wanted milk."
"Oh, I thought you wanted chocolate milk!"
"Okay, third time's a charm! Did you want it with ice?"

Anyway, at some point Jack runs out of milk and since my well is dry I decided to get a cup from Miss Brainiac #1 at Starbucks. I knew it would be costly but it was close and I really didn't want to pack up everything to get it cheaper at Tito's Taco Shack. I think that's what its called. So Miss Brainiac #1 asks me if I want it with ice. Ice? Uh no thanks, my kid doesn't take his moo juice on the rocks. $2.14 later I am waiting for my cup of milk at the Pick Up end of the Money machine. And I am waiting. And waiting. There wasn't a line or anything but Brainiac #2 is hard at work behind her big machines and such. Boy all this for a cup of milk? I ask her if I can have it since my youngest is going into conniption fits waiting. She says she's working on it and I see a very dark liquid inside the plastic cup.
"Hey, I just wanted milk."
"Oh sorry, I just put espresso in it!"
Yeah, that's what an already hyper 1 1/2 year old needs. So she pours it out and starts again. And again I am waiting far too long for "just milk." I look over and its dark AGAIN! What the heck?
I end up showing her my receipt, but not in the "here's the information you missed" way, more in the "can't you effing read?" way. Yes, I was a tad bitchy at that point. She pours the second attempt out and puts her hands up, in the "don't shoot me" way.
No, Brainiac #2, I think you're a tad too late to ensure Wow Service now. Just hand it over.
$2 and a half-hour later, my baby's appeased. He takes a drink and throws the cup on the floor. Hmm. Maybe he did want it on the rocks after all.
Friday, July 4, 2008
Happy Fourth of July Everyone!!!

Wednesday, July 2, 2008
How Californians See America
This was too funny, thanks Diahn for posting this as a bulletin on MySpace.

Tuesday, July 1, 2008
Take Off, Eh?
Happy Canada Day to all my Canadian friends. Have a great day celebrating being America's Hat. Muah!
I Hope Her Hand Cramps Up
So like a good lemming, I've been entering the Live with Regis and Kelly daily contest. I know, its sad but its just one of those things that a stay-at-home-mom does. After pulling the boys apart keeping them from killing each other and counting to three so many times during the day, Mama needs a little break while they take their naps and she reads her email and enters online contests. Its just part of my day.
According to the rules I am allowed to enter once a day, and I usually do. You also have to watch the show in case they call and ask a trivia question about the show the day before you know what the answer will be. I do this less consistently and always make a mental note to Tivo it, but I still haven't gotten around to that task. But anyway, that's not the point.
This morning the trivia caller was a woman who has won SIX times already, going for her seventh! They asked her how she keeps getting called and she says she sends in about 500 postcards for each contest! 500! I turned the TV off. I am crestfallen and just know they will never call me now...not with my pathetic once-a-day entries. Of course, before I could hit the OFF button she won another goddamned trip. I don't think what she's doing is considered cheating, but it certainly has the same effect to people like me who actually have a life and don't have time to fill out 500 bloody postcards. Ptthh!!!
According to the rules I am allowed to enter once a day, and I usually do. You also have to watch the show in case they call and ask a trivia question about the show the day before you know what the answer will be. I do this less consistently and always make a mental note to Tivo it, but I still haven't gotten around to that task. But anyway, that's not the point.
This morning the trivia caller was a woman who has won SIX times already, going for her seventh! They asked her how she keeps getting called and she says she sends in about 500 postcards for each contest! 500! I turned the TV off. I am crestfallen and just know they will never call me now...not with my pathetic once-a-day entries. Of course, before I could hit the OFF button she won another goddamned trip. I don't think what she's doing is considered cheating, but it certainly has the same effect to people like me who actually have a life and don't have time to fill out 500 bloody postcards. Ptthh!!!
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